One Team, one vision



Fishing Vessels Services.

Hidramar Group provides a wide range of services for tuna vessels and other vessels from the fishing industry.

Hidramar Group specializes in ship repair and inspections. Our team has the expertise to execute a wide range of ship repair and adequate works, from periodic to complex repair projects, safely and on time.

The Group relay on an in-house highly skilled engineering, hydraulic division, and its own workforce, reducing downtimes with cos-effectiveness.

Our team is able to execute the required work on time with maximum efficiency and safety.



Total Crane Removal and Re-installation After Repairs

Anchor windlass

Pumps and valves installation

Hydraulic Systems Repair

Load tests

Oil-, water-, engine room- and fire-fight pipes repair

Different antenna supports

Thrusters removal

Drawer hatches and locks

Engine Repairs

Main and auxiliary engines

Net rolls

Ladder of the crow’s nest installation

Aft skids repair

Fish Factory Areas

Tanks and cooling circuits Renovation

Hydro-blasting and painting

Manufacture of bulkheads

Hydraulic lines for fishing factory and pilot line

Steel Renewal

Deck plate renewal

one Ship one technical solution.

Hidramar Group is your One Stop Shop for Smooth, Easy Ship Repairs & Maintenance Services

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